ملخص الانجليزي ثالث ابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1446 pdf

هل تريد تحميل ملخص انجليزي الصف الثالث الابتدائي الفصل الثاني 1446 pdf - ملخص الانجليزي ثالث ابتدائي ف2 الفصل الدراسي الثاني.

تحميل ومعاينة ملخص انجليزي ثالث ابتدائي ف2

  • انظم الى قناتنا في التليجرام.

محتوى ملخص انجليزي الثالث الابتدائي ف2
That's fantastic!
Yes, please. Where can I get suits, coats, boots, shoes, sandals, mangos, grapefruit, oranges, snowboards, and skis?
What happened to you yesterday/last week/ last month/last year?
I won a table tennis game 21 to 3.
1. practiced, practiced I practiced my English.
2. watched, watched You watched a DVD.
3. cooked, cooked She cooked breakfast.
4. kicked, kicked → He kicked a ball.
5. cleaned, cleaned They cleaned the house.
6. stayed, stayed We stayed at home.
7. played, played You played outside.
8. studied. studied You studied a little.
B. Answer the following:
1-What's your name?
My name is
2- How old are you?
I am 12 years old.
3- What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a pilot.
4- What does your dad do? He is a policeman.
5. What did you do over the weekend?
I stayed home.
C. Fill the blanks with the correct word:
1- Can I _help you?
hospital 2- A doctor works in a
3- We watched. TV
last night.
4- I want to be a fashion_designer_ when I grow up.
5- I'd like a cup of coffee and cookies _ please!
B. Circle or x
1. They watched a scary movie on TV.
2. I'd like sushi, please!
3. I did my homework at 4:30 yesterday.
4. She works at school.

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